Has the government failed the tea garden workers of

All is not well with the tea
gardens of Jalpaiguri district in North Bengal . Several tea estates in the region have been shut for over
a decade with little chance of the economic revival of the gardens. There is
rampant unemployment coupled with acute malnutrition. In a bid to save
themselves from perpetual apathy, 15 workers have written to the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to let commit suicide so that they can
die in peace.
One of the tea gardens in case is the Dheklapara tea
estate. A ground report revealed
the pathetic condition in which the people are forced to live. Most of them are
suffering from disease and malnourishment with little to rest their hopes on.
The villagers go to the nearby Kalwa River
to work in the rock quarry, but that does not offer them any relief. The back
breaking work gives them as little as Rs 40 a day. In desperation, the
villagers’ have sought to fast unto death if their condition is not looked
after by the administration.
The abysmal condition of the tea
gardens often gives rise to another problem – trafficking of women and
children. There are several reports of cases of rape but victims are
forced to stay silent for fear of reprisals against their families. Many women
are allegedly trafficked to cities under the guise of finding them work through
placement agencies.
The West Bengal government might
claim that the political deadlock in North Bengal
has been solved but these workers have little to gain from that.
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